Transportation NFT
NFT Attributes
Efficiency Efficiency plays a part in XTR earnings. Having a higher Efficiency Attribute will result in better XTR earnings per condition.
Distance Distance determines how long a user can travel.
Luck Luck determines the frequency and quality of a Treasure Box drop.
Recovery Recovery determines the decay rate of Condition. A higher Recovery will result in a slower rate of the Condition decay. The higher the NFT's level is, the higher the repair costs. Condition is a NFT’s “stamina” bar. As a user moves, the Condition will decrease. Condition receives a penalty at 2 Condition touch points: 1. At 50/100 Condition, NFT Efficiency drops to 50% 2. At 20/100 Condition, NFT Efficiency drops to 10%
Life Time Each NFT has a Life time. If it reaches Life time, NFT status will be 1 for all Attribute(Efficiency, Distance, Luck and Recovery)
Type of NFT
NFT comes in 6 types: Shoes, Bicycle, Motor Scooter, Motorbike, Car, and Airplane. Depending on the NFT types, Attributes are provided differently. Below is the table showing attribute range provided Lv.0 NFT:
NFT Level
Users can level up their Transportation NFT by burning XTR. GXT will be required at certain milestones. Each level-up requires a certain amount of time, but users can shorten level up (level-up) time with additional burning XTR. The maximum level is 30 at this moment.
User can get Attribute points for every level up and upgrade preferred Attribute with these point. Attribute points will be given with different range by NFT Type.
On current version, only Genesis NFT can level up Distance attribute: 2 points for 1KM. That means for each 2 points added to Distance Attribute, users can travel 1KM more with their NFT.
When it reaches to a specific Milestone, there will be events unlocked.
Level up cost / time
Below is the list for required cost and time for each level
Holding multiple NFTs
A user can hold as many NFTs as they want. Before traveling, the user needs to select the main NFT. The main NFT attribute and condition will be used for traveling.
Last updated