Rental System

The user can lend their NFT to others.

By Rental, the Owner can receive rewards in XTR/GTX depending on the usage of the borrower. To rent out, NFT's condition need to be 100% and it is not at cool down period.

The Rental Rewards are as follows:

  • Owner: 30%

  • Borrower: 60%

  • Platform Fee: 10%

*The commission rates may change.

The Owner can set the maximum rental distance that the Borrower can travel and the period to rent out. If the rental reaches that distance or period, it will be returned to the Owner.

Borrowers can strengthen/repair the borrowed NFT as they like.

If the rented NFT gets burned or sent wrongly to other wallet, the borrowers will never be able to use the rental function with that account anymore.

The number of NFTs that users can lend is determined by the number of NFTs users have:

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