NFT Minting

NFT minting is when a user uses 2 NFTs so called "Parent NFT" that can generate new NFT. Based on the parent NFTs, the new NFT type will be vary. To mint, there are following conditions:

  1. Parents NFTs need to be certain level to proceed Minting.

  2. Parents NFTs need to be 100% condition.

  3. Parents NFTs are not at cool down Period. (Each NFT has a cooldown period after minting or acquiring. please see below for the cool-down period)

  4. Parents NFTs in the user’s possession (not under renting)

  5. Each NFT can mint up to 5 times and needs a certain amount of XTR and GXT burning.

also with some possibilities, Minting can be failed.

Minting Possibility

Here is a table for minting possibilities:

Cool Down Period

Minted or acquired NFT has cool down period. At Cool Down Period, NFT can't

  1. be placed at market place

  2. be used as parent NFT for minting

  3. to rent out

Cool Down Period are varied by types of NFT:

Mint Cost

below is Mint cost by NFT Type and no of Minted

Eg 1: 

If you want to mint with Shoes which has never used for mint and Bicycle which has used for mint once, the cost will be 100 + 600 = 700 XTR

Eg 2:

If you want to mint with Shoes which has used for mint twice and Motorbike which has never used for mint, the cost will be  300 + 900 = 1200 XTR

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